Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Reverse Tardis

Yep, smaller on the inside than the outside, also known as the seats on a Southwest Trains train... And you'd have to be close on Doctor Who to work out just how anyone decided the damn things were big enough!

I can fit quite comfortably in one of their train seats, which is all well and good, up until the moment that a man sits down either side of me.... Now I'm really not being rude, so please don't take it that way. I'm not saying men are fatter, but they are on the whole broader... This being generally accepted, or at least acceptable, there is under no circumstances any likelihood of three people fitting across the three seats available!

Which is how I found myself sat on a train this evening on my way out of Waterloo trying and struggling to breathe while a lovely friend of mine sat opposite giggling to herself, there's something so truly warming about that genuine and heartfelt feeling of sympathy for your fellow man... Remind me next time to take the better seat and let her deal with the slow drowning between two big lads, though of course that's subject to change should they prove to be cute...! ;-)

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