Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Do I Have To Be Your Valentine?!

Valentines Day, the day when everyone showers their loved one with cards, flowers and gifts. Where a romantic meal at a beautiful restaurant is a must and even at a push a proposal if you're not yet engaged or married; after all it is the most romantic night of the year isn't it?

Well no actually. In our household there won't be gifts and flowers, no one will be lining up a romantic meal either secretly or not and well having been married since last year I can't see there being a proposal on the cards!

Now this probably makes it sound like my husband is an unromantic hopeless case, that I am suffering for the lack of these gestures of love. Like hell!! I am more than happy and proud to stand up and be counted as saying that Valentines Day is the biggest crock of shit Hallmark holiday ever conceived! It's my choice that we don't mark this day and I urge you all to join me in refusing to be caught up in the romance of it all.

Let's break it down shall we?

Cards. Very cute, make you smile but then either end up in the bin or in a drawer to likely never be looked at again!

Flowers. The only people who benefit from flowers sent or received ON the 14th of February are the florists! They're gleefully rubbing their hands together as their flowers fly out the door at the special one day price of complete rip off!

Gifts. Lovely to receive but a Valentines gift? Really? What a waste of money!

Romantic restaurant. Welcome to the romantic haven of the special Valentines menu. This menu could actually be purchased any day of the week if you just order the parts separately but hey if they didn't print signs and special love related replacement menus how could they possibly justify the doubling of price?! Oh and we'd get a glass each of "champagne" (read Sainsburys own cava) to complete the mood?! Oh well in that case we're there!!

It's a con people, and I know you can see that's true, you're not stupid. Simple fact of it is this -

If you need a prescribed day of the year to tell the person you're spending your life with that you love them, there's something wrong with your relationship and it's not going to be fixed with an overpriced meal and some wilting roses... Tell them you love them because YOU want to, not cos the people who want to sell you junk tell you that you should! Trust me, it'll mean more to them that way!


  1. Well said - and I couldn't agree more. The other half and I have decided to get a take away, open one of the bottles of post-baby champagne we have in the fridge and spent the night with our Son rather than wait 9 hours for a table in an over crowded restaurant where the music is ropey to say the least.

  2. hallmark holidays :-D.....and i was going to send you chocolate. Guess I'll just wait till easter....

  3. Me and the BF are ignoring it as well, probably going to our local for a few pints and get squiffy and try and beat each other on the quiz machine! Romance is not dead ;)

  4. Uh uh I want my pressie LOL fair enough it's a combined VD Day, Mother's, Bday pressie. Oh, and it's due to arrive in the post TOMORROW. I will die having to wait the entire w/end for it. I WANT IT NOW!!!!!

  5. Oooh I just discovered I can comment, woo hoo! Valentines is a load of commercialised crap, invented for people who have no imagination! My fiance shows and tells me he loves me when HE wants to, not cos Hallmark tell him he should!

  6. Nope, I want my pressie dammit. I very rarely get anything nice for myself throughout the year so VD Day gives me an excuse to ask for a treat. We don't go overboard but I'm getting some nice makeup this year that went in the Jan sales and was a bargain.
