Tuesday 19 April 2011

Sunshine and Sanity, Or Lack Of...

Last weekend I ended up going for a walk on my own down to the river, which is only a few minutes from my place. It was a beautiful sunny day and I fancied a bit of peace and quiet so I settled myself down on the banks of the Thames with an iBook on my phone cued up and nothing else to concern myself with.
Whilst I sat there I became aware of a boat mooring up a short distance from me, but I didn’t give it a whole lot of attention. A man got out, tied it up and settled himself back into his seat and opened a can of lager. All good, don’t blame him, in fact if I owned a boat I’d imagine I would probably spend a fairly large amount of the summer days sat out on the river enjoying a beverage or six with my nearest and dearest!
So I left him to his lager, and I went back to my book. Until I heard him start talking.
I couldn’t really make out what on earth he was talking about, so I figured he was just talking to someone in the cabin of the boat and tried to block it out. Eventually it got louder and I glanced over in time to hear him have a go at someone for not catching his stuff, which was lying on the grass bank, next to the boat, with no one in sight...
He then proceeded to have a good half hour talk with someone who was either invisible, imaginary or a product of more alcohol than I thought he’d have. It was a pretty surreal thing to watch, and I couldn’t help but laugh after a while.
Finally he seemed to finish up his lager, and started to put the roof up on the boat and then disembarked holding the door open for “no one” whilst telling them to look after the boat while he was gone. Uh huh, okay mate seriously think you’ve overdone the Stella this time... But hey maybe his boat is haunted and he was talking to a ghost, either way I made a move not long after giggling to myself. But if you see this boat, be careful, there could be an invisible someone stood just over your shoulder, you never know...


  1. When I went to New York the first thing we saw was a woman 'talking' to someone down a payphone. She hadn't put any money in and then hung up and continued her rant. We backed away slowly..........

  2. Nothing like a crazee to perk up an afternoon...
    There's a woman in our town who spends every afternoon arguing with herself, but I'm sure she's lovely really!
