Saturday, 14 May 2011

Cry Me a River

Is there anything more pitiful than a sick man? Well yes apparently, me with a hangover...!

This morning whilst my husband was coughing, sneezing and spluttering away with a genuine cold/flu I was the one lying there whimpering with an epic hangover demanding sympathy and trying to convince him that I'm actually ill! To be fair, I had a point... I had a headache and I felt sick which are symptoms of illness, albeit self inflicted illness! Of course these rules don't apply if he's got the hangover, that would just be ridiculous...!

I have however thankfully discovered the cure to that horrible taste you have in the back of your throat when hungover. Over the years I have brushed my teeth to within an inch of their life, gargled listerine and even once tried gargling with tcp and none of it worked. It still tasted like I'd eaten a half decomposed badger! But finally I accidentally found the answer, ice lollies! I know, it sounds stupid but if you think about it it's the perfect solution! They hydrate you, they are nice and cold and the acid in them strips aaaaall other tastes out of your mouth, they're just the thing to sort you out. Well sort your mouth out anyway...!

At that point there really is only one thing for it, nick the husband's prescription painkillers and curl up in a miserable ball on the sofa in my dressing gown and wait it out. And can you believe I've not had one ounce of sympathy yet?! I mean really!!!

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