Friday, 26 August 2011

Sorry, I'm Only A Girl!!!

The Rugby World Cup is on it's way very soon, and I can't wait! Having watched rugby avidly for a fair few years now, and given that unlike footballers the rugby players look like real men it's safe to say September is a good month for me this year!

BUT I was also recently subjected to that typical stereotype born in the mind of idiots, that women don't understand sport; apparently this is supposedly true for any sport.

Now I'm really not the right person to voice that rubbish to, but apparently the judgemental twerp in the pub completely believed it.

Me - Oh come on, that should've been a try!
Him - Excuse me, do you play rugby?
Me - Um no, why do you ask?
Him - Okay so you don't know what you're talking about then.
Me - Excuse me?! No I don't play rugby but I've been watching it for years and love it. Do you play?
Him - No.
Me - (desperately trying to keep it polite) Then how can you say I know nothing about it when NEITHER of us play it? Oh but my friend I'm with does play.
Him - Yeah but you're a woman.

I should point out at this moment his girlfriend was trying to shut him up and looking exceptionally mortified at his behaviour. He'd obviously had a few pints and was embarrassing her quite a lot. Not long after they got up to leave.

Me - Are you not staying for the second game?
Him - Didn't know there was a second one on.
Me - Oh right, guess I definitely do know more about it than you then...

See I can understand where the stereotype comes from, a lot of women don't like sport so they don't watch it. But what's with the attitude that regardless of whether or not I watch it I can't possibly understand it? Too complex for my poor strained girlie brain? Good thing I didn't tell him I love MotoGP really, don't think his brain would've been able to deal with that!
Women? Liking motorbikes? Oh no no no that simply won't do!

Best get on though, I'm sure I have some ironing to do or I might go crazy exciting and knit something...!!! *eye roll*

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