Monday, 31 October 2011

Lions, And Tigers, And Penguins...?! Oh My!

This is a story I was told by a friend of mine, and I found it so bizarre and funny that I just had to share.

The story starts with a woman, a very patient and giving woman I'm assuming as she is a carer to special needs children. For a moment of seriousness I have the utmost respect for anyone who can do a job like this, I know I wouldn't have what it takes!

Anyway, back to the funny.

This woman was caring for a particular boy who, it happens, apparently has a fascination with penguins. These cute little tuxedoed waddlers are undoubtably fun and amusing but I have to admit they're not my personal furry of choice. Give me a tiger any day!
So the idea this woman comes up with is to take the kiddo to the zoo, perfect! So off they go with visions of penguins playing around the boy's head as he gleefully looks forward to the day's excursion. 

Upon their arrival, and to help teach him some independence I assume, the arrangement is made that they will split up for a period of time and arrange when and where they will meet up later. So off he happily trots.

The designated time arrives to meet, as does the boy, and having established that yes he's had a great time it's now time for them to head home.

The journey home is uneventful but upon arriving home the young man vanished upstairs into the bathroom and locked the door.
He's apparently not allowed to lock it so was asked nicely to unlock the door, which he refused to do. There followed a decent period of time during which he was repeatedly asked to open the door and he repeatedly and adamantly refused. So finally the threat of breaking the lock and forcing the door is put to him, still met by a stubborn refusal to open it.

Well you can't just make threats like that and not follow through, so the door was then forced open. She walked into the room and saw.... any guesses? The boy, in the bath, with a penguin...
Yes a living, breathing, squawking, fish eating, real live penguin... Which had, apparently, been transported home in the boy's backpack..!!

Now I cannot for the life of me work out how this kid could have managed to get a penguin into his backpack, or how on earth he got it home without anyone hearing or noticing anything!! 

Don't worry animal lovers, the zoo was called and they came to retrieve their missing tuxedo, but seriously they need to check their security!!! As for me, I think I need to talk to this kid, I mean I do love tigers...

Disclaimer - No animals were hurt during the writing of this blog...

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