Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Welcome To The Red Light District

Okay, this might be a dumb thing to be absolutely fascinated by, but I can't help it, I need to understand the motive behind a neighbour's choice in interior design...

Observe Exhibit A (Oh and the only exhibit but it sounded good...)

This is driving me absolutely crazy. A red light, not in the whole flat but just this one room.

First off I figured it must just be that the room was painted red and the light reflected the colour, um no, that room has been painted twice in the last year and it's STILL red. And even if it was the wall colour who the hell would paint an entire room blood red...?! Actually, don't answer that or Lawrence Llewellyn - "Of Course I'm Not Gay" Bowen might spring out from the wardrobe extolling the virtues of the "signature wall"...

Oh yes Lawrence, I see what you mean, that's not UTTERLY HIDEOUS is it?! Nothing quite such a turn on as going to bed and being confronted by a mouth covered in cheap lipgloss coughing up glitter... Sexy....!

Okay, next theory, cos the whole signature wall theory seems to be failing. Maybe it's a photographer, I mean I can totally understand installing a dark room into your home if you do that for a living. Makes perfect sense!
But, when the blinds have been down there's a hell of a lot of light bleed coming through. So I'm thinking not the greatest dark room, unless you want all your photos to come out like this -

At which point I'm sure all anyone would hear is how the photos are like that on purpose because they're "arty" OR some con artist medium would put their hands on them and tell you that actually the picture of the flower gone wrong is your long lost grandfather's brother's best friend's dog's first turd trying to contact you from the spirit world... Something like Derek Acorah and his farcical possessions on Most Haunted. Though on a slight side note the video of him being 'possessed' shouting "Mary loves Dick" had me rolling on the floor howling and crying with laughter!!
So anyway, I'm thinking not likely to be a dark room/photo studio.

Which kind of leaves me only with the theory left that the occupant is a hooker... No offence, but it's the first thing that usually springs to mind when people hear the phrase "red light district" isn't it? And hey, whatever you need to do to pay the bills, or is that whoever...?

Niiiiiiiiiiice lips gir... du... I'm sorry, is that a girl or a guy?!
Any of the above are possible I suppose, and I know it's none of my business but for whatever reason I want to know. So if you know, or have any ideas, drop me a post on Facebook or on the blog. Or maybe I'm being crazy and in reality the cast of Red Dwarf are actually in there, I mean after all changing from red alert does mean changing the lightbulb...


  1. Have come on over from "people I want to punch", and OMG, that picture is just scary, I think it is a guy, but who the hell knows! I would go with the cast of Red Dwarf theory cause that would be really cool!

  2. Welcome Jen, and thanks for coming over for a read! And yeah, I'm liking the idea of living next door to the Red Dwarf lads! lol!
