Monday, 19 March 2012

Move Down...?!

Sooooo there's train trouble tonight, what a shocker... *eye roll* I wanted back to Waterloo so was intending on being on a train around half six anyway, so no biggie when I got back to find delays.

There was a train to my stop on the board but it would've made a sardine can look roomy, and as much as I do like to get home I'm really not so bothered that I'm going to spend a train journey forcibly face planted into the window... So I waited.

Then, luck struck me. Over the sound of my headphones I heard my half past train being called, and it just so happened I was accidentally stood right on the platform where it was! Bonus!!! Well colour me happy I bounced onto the train and got myself comfortably settled in a seat. A seat!!! I mean when it's like this standing room is a luxury so to get a seat was just amazing!

Okay, so the train is now a quarter of an hour late and still shows no sign of leaving but its a start. But all I can hear is "Move down please!!!". Um, where the hell to?!

Most of them have had a shout, realised it's packed and left it, but there's one woman who just doesn't know when to quit!

"Come on, move down!!"
"There's loads of room down there, squeeze up!!"
"We all want to get home you know!!!"

Yeah, we're aware you want to get home, so do the rest of us, but when there's no space then there's no bloody space!! Finally one woman pointed out her daughter was next to her and short so although it looked like space there wasn't any.

Little Miss Charming's response? "I don't give a shit to be honest, just move down!" and she starts banging on the window.

I'm not a psychologist but I'm fairly sure that's not the best way to garner helpful responses from people. Annoyingly she has forced her way into the train and WILL NOT shut up about how she was right about there being space. Would it count as assault if I slung a paper at her head?!

Move down luv, preferably to the next platform! If you got off there would be more space after all and that's what you wanted...!

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