Monday, 21 May 2012

Really Daaahling, What Are You Wearing?!

I've been off my walking for over a week, unfortunately I got bitch slapped by the flu and didn't think it was a great idea to keep walking when I was coughing every ten seconds...!

But today I'm back baybeey! The cough has almost completely gone and I'm pushing myself back to my exercise. Plus my company step challenge started today so I need me some high numbers! ;)

So this morning I bounced (aka crawled) out of bed with good intentions. I sang (grumbled) my way through my shower and dressing and strapped on my trainers with a bright smile (resentful scowl) and got my arse out of the door.

Twenty minutes or so later I was at the train station, and naturally at this point every morning I have a cigarette. Because is there truly any better way of rounding off exercise than putting toxic smoke into your lungs...?! Anyway, that's irrelevant, my point was the looks I get most mornings.

Snotty women staring at my trainers in disgust and smiling when they look down to see their heels arching proudly on their feet. Arrogant men staring at my track pants, t-shirt and rucksack whilst subconsciously smoothing their (not as expensive as they'd like us to think) business suits. School kids giving me the "Do you think THAT looks cool?!" glances fiddling with their hair to readjust that tiny strand that's out of place on their carefully gelled heads.

This is very simple people.

Yes lady, I'm wearing trainers, how shocking!!! I mean you'd almost think I do a lot of walking and that heels wouldn't be a sensible choice... Oh wait, I DO do that! And you're not looking quite so smug at the end of the day when I'm comfortably walking home and you're limping your sorry ass down the road! I keep my office heels where they're useful, in the office!!

As for you Mr Business Boy, chances are I have a better job than most of you, BUT I'm getting my exercise done and wearing a skirt and blouse wouldn't exactly suit that would it?! I have a change of clothes in my rucksack for what it matters but I don't need tailors to make me feel important, I know I'm good at my job no matter what I'm wearing!

Aaaaand the kids, the little brats hanging around in your uniforms. NO I DON'T THINK THIS LOOKS "COOL"! I think it's the right clothing for what I'm doing!!!
And you? Do not look "cool" either. You don't need the entire fat contents of a humpback whale to style your hair, smoking under age doesn't make you seem hard, and learn to chew gum with your fucking mouth shut!!

So you lot, stop and think about possible logic before you give someone a dumbass look for what they're wearing, or you might just end up being the one looking stupid...! While I will stroll on by, in my trainers. Just to rub it in... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Haha - I totally get this as I am the same every week day. Smart trousers, smart top, my trainers, my I Would Rather Be Pole Dancing jacket and IWRBPD bag slung over my shoulder. I will also raise you 'no make-up'!!
