Friday, 28 December 2012

New Years Fun 'n' Games!

Christmas is over and now New Years is fast approaching with all it's fun and frolics. So what are we all doing for it? There are a few exciting options -

1) A pub/club.

With this choice you get to pay a fuckload to walk into a premise that you can walk into every other day of the year without paying an additional penny, fun no? Then of course you have the overpriced "New Years cocktails", also known as a vodka and cranberry because IT'S NEW YEARS! Then you fork out three times going price for a glass (if you're lucky) or more likely a bottle of crappy fizz, I refuse to call this shite champagne, to toast the midnight hour. The music is loud, and invariably cheesy and crap, and most often DJ'd by some jumped up little twerp who has been legally allowed to drink for about the last five minutes... So expect a lovely little combo mix of songs that were released last week, because he's "current", and baaaad eighties trash (not the good stuff unfortunately) because he's "retro"... All in all it'll be a largely overpriced evening punctuated with bad entertainment and even worse company. But hey, you bought a ticket, so at least it's exclusive!!

2) House Party

Everyone is broke or refuses to pay up for tickets, so a house party seems the way to go. All the guests bring a little something, the host/ess lays on some food, and there are invariably some "funny" party games to be played. When I say funny, it usually IS with the best intentions meant be be funny, but is still most often shit... Or there's always the theme party, now aren't they just hysterical!! ;)
The music is even more dangerous at these gatherings, because you know whoever set up the playlist has spent weeks working on it, but most of it is to their taste and no one else's! Or you could go for the safer option of playing MTV in the background at the risk that the channel will be playing kak and people now think you're inherently lazy because you couldn't be bothered to actually write a playlist, no matter how shit it would've been!
And these nights end one way, people slowly drift off until you have the "hardcore" (read bored) remaining few who continue to drink until the sun comes up and they pass out in various poses around the house. Classy yeah?

3) Stay In Solo/Paired

You don't want to or can't go out, nor do you want people invading your home, so you decide to spend the evening in. After all, it's just one night.
Nothing says rock n roll quite so eloquently as a quiet night in on New Years Eve. Maybe you have a nice meal, a few nice drinks, you see in the midnight stroke either on your own or with your significant other before you quietly finish your drink and head for bed.
This largely means you're getting old, or you have no friends. It's not a good look for anyone, bearing in mind the last time you spent NYE home alone was when you were about fourteen... Next year maybe you should work on your social life?

So there you have it, your exciting three main options for the overhyped crapfest that is New Years. None of them are exactly perfection personified, and yet none of them are quite so rubbish that you don't try it all over again next year. So make your choice, and accept your fate. Happy 2013 everyone, may you enjoy the last night of 2012 in hopefully acceptable style! Cheers! :)

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