Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The Dreadful Case of The Sick Commuter

Commuting can be bad enough on a good day, although as I've shared even a bad day can provide a source of entertainment. No sign of the floor hogger lately by the way, maybe someone invented a train carriage with a trapdoor or even better an ejector seat!

Commuting when you're not feeling well however is utter hell. This morning for example I can't stop shivering, I've sneezed most of the way and I've got a delightful case of intermittent stomach pains. Now maybe it doesn't sound like the smartest plan in the world to be travelling to work at all but it being the time at work that it is my life would be made harder by not going in rather than easier! Though I will admit that my mornings writing is helping by taking my mind off it!

So far today I have been subjected to dirty looks, frowns, tutting and a cacophony of sighs all aimed in my direction. And I feel your pain, I genuinely do, as I know just how aggravating it can be to have someone sat displaying various ill symptoms while you're debating how likely you are to catch whatever strain of the bubonic plague your fellow commuter is obviously suffering from!

But, trust me on this, my discomfort is bothering me a hell of a lot more than it is you. Sneezing a lot is not my idea of fun, the stomach pains while doing wonders for my stomach muscles actually DO HURT, and I've been freezing since I woke up and no I don't need to "just put more clothes on" as I overheard one fellow commuter opine loudly for my benefit...

All in all it's not been the most pleasant trip to work, I doubt it'll be the best day and the route home, although a source of relief, probably won't be much fund either. But if I can look for the funny side of my somewhat less than stellar feeling today then I think others can too. Now cut it out with the judgemental stares or I'll sneeze in your direction...!

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