Friday, 25 February 2011

Friday Afternoons And The Time Warp

Friday afternoons go slowly, that’s just the simple reality of the world we live in. Take today for an example. It’s Friday, it’s payday and I have a birthday party tomorrow with all my friends and family in attendance to help me try and sink enough alcohol so that I don’t remember that I’m no longer in my twenties for at least the rest of the weekend. This should be brilliant, I should be stoked, but instead I’m sat at my desk clock watching and convincing myself that the (digital) clock display on my phone has somehow gone wrong and is now travelling in reverse…
I am convinced that after hitting midday on a Friday time genuinely slows to an almost imperceptible crawl. More so of course when you have somewhere else to be, regardless of whether that is a bar with friends or even the dentist to be attacked by a dental drill…!
The irony is I’m even finishing early today and that’s not helping. For starters I’ve not had a lunch break so to speak so the day has been looooooooooooooong, and the second problem is commuting at non commuter time makes you come across as not the nicest person on the planet…
When I’m doing my normal commute I know people will be barging others out of the way so I am a little more suspicious of people for lack of a better word, and whereas it would be a given at five that everyone not walking on the escalators would be stood on the right hand side it’s not always the way earlier in the afternoon. Then if I object I sound like I’m being moody because after all, it isn’t commuter time…
Friday’s time warp is the hardest part of the week without a doubt, and regardless of how much I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show, I don’t want to do the time warp again…!!

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