Thursday, 22 December 2011

Congratulations, You've Managed To Dodge Racism By Being Racist... Twunt!

One of my absolute favourite comedians is Tim Minchin, I think he's absolutely hilarious plus being a bloody talented musician and very intelligent to boot. You might have guessed by now I'm kind of a fan. In fact he inspired the wording for one of my tattoos, but that's another blog on another day, I'm building up to a tattooist judgementalist rant I'm sure..!!

Here's the thing though. A lot of Tim Minchin's pieces are not exactly PC, but he's never come across as trying to be offensive, but rather finds the amusing side of everything. I mean for crying out loud he has one song entitled "A Ten Foot Cock and A Few Hundred Virgins"...! It's light hearted though. Simples.

He's been on the Jonathon Ross show a few times, and obviously enjoys doing it and also obviously is popular with said Ross due to the repeat invites. This year he was asked to write a Pre-Christmas show song for them. Which he did. Regardless of not really having time. Then he filmed it. Then he bolted across London to get to the next thing he needed to be at. Then the show was checked, editted and submitted to the ITV director, Peter Fincham.

Who cut it... Because it's talking about Jesus and Jews....

So, you cut something you assume will be taken as racist, by assuming certain people will be offended. Racist attitude to have really...

Check out Tim's blog and the video of the song is thankfully at the bottom, because it's awesome! Enjoy and Merry Jewish Christmas!

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