Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Post Christmas / Pre New Year Commute

This is a really strange time for the commuters. On one hand we're going to work, so all you happy people still tucked up in bed because you've managed to either find a company that shuts over the end of December or have managed to book the time off are not exactly riding high in our estimations right now... In fact the reality that I had to get up at seven o'clock this morning whilst my husband happily snoozed away was truly galling, especially as being the lovely wife that I am I didn't have the heart to "accidentally" wake him up... Tempting though, very very tempting...!

But on the other hand it does manage to bring around a bizarre kind of camaraderie amongst those of us actually making the trek to our respective offices, it's almost friendly!

Now I'll talk to anyone. The fact that I love writing this kind of proves it already, but I find people fascinating so if someone wants to talk, I'll talk. (Within reason, let's be realistic, the drunk guy in the pub last week who kept wanting to kiss my hand... yeah not so much him for example!) As I stood freezing my proverbials off at the platform this morning a woman turned to me and commented that everyone looked so "happy" to be heading back to work. I laughed and agreed, and from that we struck up a random conversation. I'd wager half my friends do not know whereabouts in London, and yet she now knows. And yes the chances are very high that I will never encounter this woman again, we do live in the same town though at opposite ends and it's not that small a place, but we brightened each other's commute just a fraction. There is a lovely novelty to people on public transport being willing to talk, and although it did improve my morning I think I would find it disconcerting if it was like that all the time, I mean they must be after something right...?

I don't know about everyone else but the other thing I like it not needing to worry too much about what you wear to work. Today for example I'm in simple jeans and a black top, can't go wrong, oh and a fleece because apparently our maintenance department seem to think we're in the southern hemisphere and it's summer as far as I can tell! It does make you think though, when you're not in a customer facing job why does it matter what we wear to work? I mean me being in jeans doesn't suddenly empty my brain of the required information, intelligence or general ability to do my job does it? I used to have electric blue extensions in my hair and I loved them, but I had to have them taken out when I was interviewing because quite simply people would have taken me less seriously because I choose to have a small amount of blue showing in my hair... I don't get it personally.

But I'm getting off topic. My point is that we are all just that little bit more relaxed about work over this period. It's more something that we have to do and no one is happy about it so we all just give each other a little bit of a break over it. The general London commuter's shell cracks just that tiny little bit of add some levity, the boss' tend to be a little more relaxed about start times because the trains are all over the place, and most of us finish early. Though, it would seem, not us this year...!

Ah well, New Years is almost upon us and I have a party to plan! That, if nothing else, will keep my smile and good mood firmly in place until the end of the week! Christmas is definitely for kids, but New Years, oh yes that's for us grown ups! Bring it on!!!

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