Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Have A Tubetastic Boxing Day Y'all!!!

Four days till Christmas people!!!

And five days until the London Underground grinds to a halt once more under strike action because the poor little darlings aren't being given triple pay and a day of in lieu.... Oh their poor widdle feelings, check the bleeding heart ruining my clothing... Oh how I pity you, let me count the ways...

  • Their contracts state they work public holidays, pretty sure Boxing Day is one of them.
  • They are already being bribed £ 1,800 EACH to agree to not strike in the middle of the 2012 Olympics.
  • By the end of next year tube drivers will earn somewhere in the region of FIFTY TWO THOUSAND POUNDS...
  • They get free travel as part of their benefits, saving them a total bloody fortune!
  • They now strike so bloody regularly that I really couldn't give a crap what they're striking for, I just smile when they don't get whatever it was they were after!
There are roughly two million unemployed people in the UK at the moment. I'd lay bets a large proportion of them would like to have a job. So if the poor ickle tube drivers are just sooooooooooooo unhappy with their job status FIRE THE LOT OF THEM!!!! It's not complicated!

Plus go down this route and maybe future generations of tube drivers will realise they don't get to hold the capital to ransom just because they want to screw us out of yet more money! Win sodding win!

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