Phobia is defined on as - Morbid fear
I have a serious issue with spiders, I reeeeeally don't like them and can't cope with being around them. Rather annoyingly given that fact, I can't kill them either, it's just not in my nature. So when confronted by a spider I react in one of two ways.
1) Scream like a little girl and run away pleading for someone to deal with the "absolutely giant" spider that had invaded my space.
2) If they're small enough put a glass over them, slide something underneath the glass to trap them, carry this outside and put on the ground. Then kick the glass over and run back inside screaming like a little girl and slam the door shaking with fear.
Whenever anyone asks me about this I admit being a total wuss about spiders, happy to hold my hands up over that one. Snakes, rats, mice and that sort of thing give me absolutely no problem, it's just bloody spiders! I hate their nasty legs, their creepy faces and the way they move makes my skin crawl right off my bones and run screaming (yes, again like a little girl) to somewhere safe, whether or not the rest of me follows is deemed irrelevant...
People over the years have tried to cure me of my utter hatred of these particular nasty little critters, but every single one has had the same bloody attitude. "You need to confront your fears, you should try handling a tarantula...."
What part of "these things scare the crap out of me" is not getting through? Morbid fear...?! Do not want to be near...?! Sure as hell don't want one crawling on me!!!!!!
Ah that's better. To my well meaning friends, I love you all but seriously I'M NEVER HOLDING ONE OF THOSE SIX LEGGED FREAKS!!!!!! Give up, move on, I'm afraid I will never be buying what you're selling...
I am exactly the same with snakes. Even the thought has just made me shudder to the core and my blood run cold. I can handle domestic spiders but not tarantulas.