Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The Unholy Trinity

There are three types of people who could sit down on a commuter train, very specific and different types.

1) Considerate Commuters

These types always think about other on the train, make sure they don't hit anyone with their bags or coats and do their best to take up the space allocated to just one person. They keep the noise down and don't sit talking on the phone to whomsoever is waiting for them at home to describe in great detail how they'll be in the door in less than two minutes.

Slight deviation from point but good grief stop doing that!!! You'll be in the door in less time than your conversation will take, it's a pointless attempt to look like someone gives a damn whether you make it home in one piece or not and it generally has the effect of convincing everyone else on the train that you're just a dick! Yes man on the train last night, I am talking to you...!

Back to point.

2) Apathetic Commuters

These people aren't particularly concerned about the others sharing a carriage with them, but not in a thoughtless way. They've basically just switched off and simply want to get to where they're going with as little fuss as possible. If they offend it's not intentional and they're unlikely to object to people being thoughtless unless really provoked.

3) Intentionally Rude Commuter

These people not only don't care if they offend or inconvenience you, they go so far as to enjoy it. If they can make your trip just that little bit crappy or miserable then they're happy. They range from those who take up a stupid amount of floor space, preferably with luggage as well as feet, and just glare at you if you say anything about it to those who will actually try and take up as much space as possible in every respect because they find it amusing to see the shapes they can make you comfort into. I think they see it as a live game of Tetris...

Personally I'd say I'm a number 1 type commuter, with the odd dash of 2 on a bad day. But, I seem to attract type 3 idiots whenever I set foot on a train.

Take yesterday as an example. In the morning I get the floorspace hogger, see picture below. This is actually after I'd asked him, very politely, if he would please move his bag and feet so I could sit down opposite him.

Then apparently the lady who sat next to him didn't realise that his paper was already using that seat...

It was a lovely smiley trip to work, lol!

Then on the way home I got the other kind, the vindictive one. He was quite a big lad, and sat with his feet firmly planted apart and his arms tight to his sides taking up the most space possible. Even knowing from my obvious discomfort he didn't move at all and after about ten minutes of this I couldn't (or rather my poor back couldn't) take the angle I was forced to sit at and I stood in the aisle for the rest of the trip. Apparently he didn't even look up when I got up, wouldn't look at me once I was standing and generally couldn't give a damn. And just to round it off he got off at my stop, I made sure he got stuck behind a few people getting off the train. Shame....

Oh and this morning someone fell down the stairs into the Underground and ploughed in to me on his way down. Thankfully no one really injured, but ouch that really hurt!!!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your deductions Mrs P. I also find myself as a bit of a number 3 magnet however not only are the ones I encounter total space invaders, they also tend to smell strongly of urine and crisp n' dry!
