Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Resumption of Normal Service and a Different Perspective

Apologies for my absence for the last few days, it's not so much I've had a lack of amusement to write about so much as a lack of time upon which to ponder the amusing things I've seen. That or my brain is still addled from the elbow shot I received to the head on the train this morning and I have lost my memory of doing any blogging over the last few days...

Anyway, on to todays point. I have developed a new fascination with photography and although I can't see myself as the next Mario Testino (and nor would I want to) I am of late enjoying finding the random shots each day that capture my imagination or make me laugh.

What I have found about this is it's making me far more observant. The same way as when I started writing this blog I noticed a lot more of the conversations and goings on around me as "fuel for the fire", now I'm finding I look more. I'm not sure a few weeks ago I would've noticed the guy on the tube desperately trying to cover up a pink polka dot tie which I'm pretty sure his wife bought him for Valentines and insisted he wear this morning. To be fair to the poor guy it was hideous...! Or the two Chinese lads carrying four bags of PG Tips...?!
It's not always the funny stuff that's catching my eye. Sometimes it's quirky, unusual or fascinating - anything from a piece of grafitti that is perfectly executed, or the sun coming through the trees at just the right angle, or it's a floor hogging idiot who needs to be mocked on an online blog...

So I'm seeing more, hearing more and noticing more every day to bring to your attention with a liberal twist of sarcasm threaded through it, and where possible I'll try and get you the pictures...!

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