There are very few things in life that can reduce me from calm composure to absolute screaming rage in a matter of mere moments, but there is one thing.
It's not selfishness, rudeness or callousness. It's not pushing, shoving or stress. I see all these lovely things on a daily basis, but I can cope with them.
No, the one thing I cannot cope with in any way are those stupid little suitcases people drag behind them through train stations!!! I have no idea how many times these have been dragged straight across my path without the oblivious owner having a clue or a care as to the mayhem and havoc they're wreaking. The damn things are small, pick them up and carry them?!
I pass through two major London stations every weekday and I swear they're multiplying! This morning this little grey and black piece of baggage on a telescopic handle scooted straight across me as I headed for the Waterloo Underground ticket barrier and I came damn close to a faceplant into the ticket reader after the flying leap I was treated to!
I think my favourite part of the stupid things though is the absolute annoyance on the face of the luggage owner for you having dared to trip over their "suitcase"! I'll tell you what, I'll start dragging bear traps on rope behind me as I commute every day. But for gods sake don't step on it, it's reeeeeally annoying having to clean your blood off it!!!!
Oh and the next time I trip over one of those things I'm going to rip the damn handle of it and shove it somewhere!!!
I've got one of those and I do pick it up and carry it when I'm in a busy place, like the train station, cos I know how much of a pain in the arse it is for people walking behind me!