Thursday 21 April 2011

Childhood Memory, Or Rather No Memory

I have one older brother, he's four years older than me and he's a musician. He's also the best man I have ever known, and I would say we are very close. We don't talk every day, sometimes not for months, but we don't need to because we know the other would be there in a heartbeat if we needed them. But, we've not always been so close...

When we were kids we fought like crazy, and not just the usual bickering but proper fighting! I think we were at our worst when I was about eight or nine, and he would've then been twelve or thirteen. But even with the fighting I had a major case of hero worship when it came to him and I'd follow him everywhere... So basically I'm not surprised we fought so much, because having your baby sister trying to tag along all the time must have been horrendous!

I remember him once locking me on the balcony that joined our bedrooms. It was cold, I wasn't wearing enough clothes and my futile protestations that the only reason I wanted to come inside was to get my guitar (yep I really thought he'd fall for that) somehow fell on deaf ears. No idea how I managed to get back inside but my guess would be our mum caught us and he was forced somewhat grumpily to open the door!

Anyway, my brother came to stay with us over the Christmas holidays and we started talking about the past and a lot of these memories of our childhood came up, it was really nice actually and I think one hell of a learning experience for my husband!
I was laughing away reminiscing until I heard this -

"What about the time I threw a dart into your knee?! ha ha ha!"

Um sorry, what? Rewind! What the hell?! I have no memory of this at all, nothing whatsoever! Apparently I was doing the usual annoying little sister routine and had followed him and one of his friends into his bedroom where they decided to play with the dartboard. As I was undoubtedly being annoying my brother proceeded to sling a dart in my general direction, I think to scare me into shoving off and leaving him in peace so not to actually hurt me. Anyway this dart headed straight for my knee and sunk in, and sat there... His first reaction? Well the same as any kid's would be I think, FFS DON'T TELL MUM!!!! Granted I think he just didn't want to lose his dartboard!

Don't think I cried, definitely didn't tell my mum cos his dartboard remained where it was but I just find it incredibly bizarre that I don't remember it at all, not even a flicker of recognition. But I think we may have solved the riddle of why I'm so scared of needles...

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