Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dodgem Update

I'm sure some of you can remember my little rant about playing train station dodgems with those stupid little drag along suitcases, they are the bane of my commuting life and instil feelings of utter hatred in me at a mere glance of them.

Apparently the damn things have worked out that I truly detest them as lately it does kind of feel like they've been mocking me...

Not only have they been cropping up more frequently but also in increasingly difficult to dodge places. For example as I came down the stairs from the platform to the underground this morning at Waterloo someone walking across the bottom of the staircase decided to pause leaving their damned suitcase bang in the middle of them which I almost took a flying leap over. Thanks for that...

Then there was the lovely man on the overground with one of them who refused to put it up on the shelf during the journey but instead wedged it in front of him where it was nicely digging into my shins. Or at least it was until I gently suggested he move it in a voice that promised untold quantities of pain when I found somewhere else to lodge it if it wasn't moved soon...

But I think my "favourite" thing about them lately has to be the epitome of mockery. I tripped over another of them at Paddington the other day and as I pitched forward desperately trying to locate the wall with my hand before I located the floor with my face I caught a glipse of the logo and brand name. Tripp.... Are you having a bloody laugh?!

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