Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Midnight and Beyond

Insomnia, it's a strange thing. It can be the worst thing in the world, I (or you) can end up sat awake all hours watching the hands click round the clock as time slowly treks it's way forward.

But you can also see it in a good light. It's a pretty regular thing for me that if I don't have work the next day then I can quite realistically still be sat awake at five in the morning on the internet, watching tv or having a drink. And as much as this isn't most people's ideal, to me it's perfect. There is something just perfect about that time of the morning, of going outside and there's total silence and everywhere is dark and people are asleep. It's peaceful, and it's relaxing and it's utterly beautiful. And the best bit about it? Is that it ends, every day, without fail. But also without fail is begins again the next night. If you need that peace or solitude you can find it, every night.

This may not be my usual acerbic sarcasm, but one thing about this world I've found over the years is when you find something that special, it's worth sharing.

1 comment:

  1. There is something so peaceful about it! Even when you see it from the other end!
